Publisher: The Windows Club 2010 | 43 Pages | ISBN: n/a | PDF | 6MB
Windows 7 includes a lot of new keyboard shortcuts that are unknown for a new user. This eBook comprises of more than 200 keyboard shortcuts containing almost all the keyboard shortcuts that are available in Windows 7 and its default programs. Keyboard shortcuts are amalgamation of two or more keys that when pressed together performs a task that would typically require a mouse or other pointing device. Keyboard shortcuts can make it easier to interact with your computer, saving your time and effort when you work with Windows and other programs.
The eBook is pretty exhaustive and the topics covered include:
* What is Keyboard & how to use it?
* How keys are organized on a standard Keyboard
* Typing & editing the text using Keyboard
* Using Keyboard Shortcuts
* Find program shortcuts
* Choose menus, commands, and options
* Some useful shortcuts
* Using the keyboard extras
* Using navigation keys
* Using the numeric keypad
* Three odd keys
* Use your keyboard safely
* Create keyboard shortcuts to open programs
* Make the keyboard easier to use
* Type without using the keyboard (On-Screen Keyboard)
* Set On-Screen Keyboard to use for various handy tasks
* The Shortcuts Collection
* General Windows functions keyboard shortcuts
* Dialog box keyboard shortcuts
* Windows logo key keyboard shortcuts
* Windows Explorer keyboard shortcuts
* Ease of Access keyboard shortcuts
* Magnifier keyboard shortcuts
* Remote Desktop Connection keyboard shortcuts
* Keyboard shortcuts for MS Paint
* Keyboard shortcuts for WordPad
* Keyboard shortcuts for Calculator
* Windows Journal keyboard shortcuts
* Windows Help viewer keyboard shortcuts
* Windows Media Player keyboard shortcuts
* Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts
* Windows Media Center keyboard shortcuts.
The eBook is bookmarks-ready, both in PDF and XPS format, with a fully linked content index.